Our main goal and objective is to qualify the Academy for the IGCSE exams and build a solid foundation at this early stage in order for us and our students to be well prepared for the exams in less than three years time.

 God willing, NOA is set to be a different kind of school with new innovations in learning and teaching. We hope to reach the children on many fronts, not simply academically. It is our goal to include all children, to work hard on their weaknesses and encourage their strengths.

This can only be done through the teaching and following of our beloved religion Islam from which we wish to allow to emanate all that is good and positive and structure our curriculum in a manner that will envelop those all important morals, ethics and standards which we use to measure the honor and dignity of each and every person under our care.

We hope that the daily routine and planning will assist children from the very youngest age up to leaving our institution if correctly applied. This should be achieved by offering the best we can by way of training and preparation by the teaching staff and the head of the school.

We have a school board of management, a group of not more than four individuals who make decisions on matters of seriousness regarding the welfare of the students, this also includes special assistance for children with SEN (special educational needs) and children who may be troublesome and cause disruption to classes and other students.
No single individual will make a big decision except for the Principal who will have control of the day -to -day running and smoothing out of any difficulties faced on a daily basis. The board of management will be called on if parents disagree with a decision, or staff is unhappy with the running of the school by the said principal or associates.

All potential students will be tested and an evaluation made as to their ability according to age, ability and past experience in schools. The tests will be standardized, however several factors will be taken into consideration and parents will be informed regarding the outcome and given the choice of placement according to what the Academy feels is appropriate to the child’s needs.

On registration, parents/careers will be informed of our system of teaching/homework/special needs desk (SND)/exactly what paperwork is expected from them and some written advice and leaflets will be supplied for their attention.


1.    Immediately ascertain, within the first month or so whether any child has SEN (special educational needs), to meet with the family and discuss our findings and work together to overcome any difficulty possible. We will statement those children we feel have a serious problem and target them for special help by way of SEN teachers who will be available throughout the school day to give assistance to those most challenged.
2.    To create a good social atmosphere where each and every pupil feels valued, comfortable and safe. An atmosphere whereby they feel justified to relax and allow their minds to open to all forms of education, whether it be academic, social or emotional, however strictly adhering to the morals and ethics of Islam. Each child will be encouraged to access the tools within themselves to unlock that all-important pathway to success.
3.    To introduce methods whereby children and youths can depend on their own decisions and work toward a brighter career in their academic lives, through guidance of their peers and staff members and achieve the maximum level, according to their ability.
4.    Strict, yet fair school policies and regulations which must be observed by all attendees and staff also, with intervention accessible for any student/parent who wish to question any major decision made by the management by way of a Board of Management to be introduced to lend support to all parties in a dispute.
5.    An open-door policy is not available for parents and careers, however matters requiring attention will be dealt with at the earliest possible appointment available. If parents feel the issue is urgent, they may leave a message for either the teacher or Senior Staff members or Principal.

It is the sincere hope and wish of those who have set up this establishment to improve the quality of education available to all children in Libya who wish to register with the Academy.
To successfully graduate a young person with the ability to understand life, and how to treat others with respect, and dignity and to fulfill that great duty to direct those children and young people in our care to follow the straight path, which has been shown to us through our beloved Prophet Mohamed, peace and blessings be upon him.

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